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Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 9: Part of history!

Today in rehearsal we changed what used to be "MJ" and then "Austin Powers" to what I think of as the "Angel of Death/Doomsday" song. It's hip hop violin music by a friend of Neta's named Miri, and it's pretty fun to set this dance to! Can't wait to see how it turns out when we re-clean it!

Tonight I got to do something I really hoped to catch while in New York. I just got back from a Movement Research showing at the historic Judson Memorial Church. This church was home to some very important developments in modern dance since the '50s, as postmodern choreographers emerged and developed. I've seen one of them in performance, Lucinda Childs, when her company came to UF. Another Judson name I recognize is Yvonne Rainer, whose Trio A I was interested in this past year as a stage in developing my own choreography. But that was a while back; tonight I saw new choreographers' works in the huge, beautiful space of the church.

I don't have the program handy at the moment, but I enjoyed the diverse pieces. Several featured film, including the first which seemed to use theatrics to break down what people are thinking when they have torn feelings in relationships/mixed with a humorous reality TV-style documentary of the choreographer and his company at work. I'd be interested in seeing more of the more serious live part that appealed to my psychologist side, though it was an interesting juxtaposition of moods between the two media. I'm not yet sure how they relate... questions are good!

The next work was part of a larger process to premier in 2013. This section was in performance for the first time, about Siamese twins in Barnum's circus. I was interested in how the video showed the dancers as separate although the two performers were connected by their shirts sewn together- as well as a cord that was revealed to be underneath. I couldn't see well from the third row of seats and missed a lot of it- but I was particularly moved by the part when one twin died near the end, and how the other dealt with it while still so physically and emotionally attached.

The third work was a Rite of Spring of sorts- which began with dancers in the audience doing a sort of summon chant as a masked, faceless soloist entered and progressed to doing poses facing the audience in our horseshoe shape. Later the dancers added light rain sounds by crinkling plastic bags. Then they stood and unexpectedly covered their faces and followed in the paths of her poses until their movements combined to culminate in a stomping and breath-driven ritual that sounded... like something that made me blush as the lights dimmed and they finished the piece in the dark, lol. It all felt very mythical and human at the same time!

The final piece focused on political polarization and was a really cool use of bright lights focused on two sections of the audience. It began with a slideshow of people standing under "For" and "Against" labels, then the soloist hit one light at a time to highlight the people as the text soundtrack called out their biases against the other side and in favor of themselves. The issue itself remained unnamed, leaving the focus on the division created by the polarization. This section was followed by a solo that stretched and pulsed between various poles created by the body. I felt most interested in the fact that he never did capture two still and solid poles, but seemed to show many more "gray" movements between the points. It was really cool to see these works, not only in the historic place we were in, but in themselves for their various stages of progress on such interesting ideas! Even though it's another late night, I'm really glad I went! Videos might be posted here later from tonight's show- I hope so!

I'll also mention that although I got lost again today, I'm much quicker at correcting that! I made it to Judson just in time!

One more thing... I forgot that when I dance so much every day, I eat a TON. I didn't budget for this surprise trip in the first place- and neither did my metabolism! At least I'm well stocked on healthy foods, and a few treats :)

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