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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 18: Opening day!!

Today we rehearsed from warm-up at 11, til about 4pm, covering a great run-through, some more cue-to-cue subtleties, and even a short break! We took about an hour before show warm-up call, and then it was time for costumes and makeup, lights, and sound- and the house opened!

The show was so great! I feel like today is the first day I understand the piece- I'd been trying to make it something more complicated than it was, when really it is truly about childlike imagination and possibilities! With that in mind and with the excitement of any show, I genuinely enjoyed sharing our bucket world with our audience today. From my opening pose in sculpture garden, through my other various roles til the very end when we party out of the theater past the audience, I felt absolutely part of the wonder and joy of 2,280 Pints!

After the show we went down a couple blocks to HM, a furniture store, for the benefit gala where a trumpet player provided music, and there were drinks, finger foods, and some great cake to celebrate Neta's company's anniversary. It was fun to dress up, chat with friends of the company and dancers, and generally celebrate a great show. It's very late now, and I'm tired after another long day- but I'm looking forward to call at 5:30 tomorrow to do it again!

ADDED: Culturebot featured us yesterday! It's a great interview with Neta, featuring this...
Is your ultimate hope for this piece to convey and inspire joy?
It’s much more than joy. It’s a bucket world. It’s a micro world created with buckets, activated by people and music. It’s not fancy. The fanciness of it comes from your ability as a viewer to go with the idea that the bucket will become anything you want it to be. It’s trying to strip human behavior and show it through buckets. The buckets become human and the dancers become more human because of their relationship to them. The imperfections become accentuated because the buckets are uniform. I wanted to make something that would be generous and open. It’s apologetically accessible without trying hard to be that. To get to that simplicity is a long journey. Mostly I just want you to be enthralled by the end of it that you would join us in the dance party.

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